Guess The NumberBy Atanu Dutta


Want The Music??

This Game Data

Total number guess:- 0 (Hint included)
Total hint use 0 times.

Last Game data

Last Game Data Is Show If You Play at least one game .


at this place hint will appeared

Total Game Status

player1 total attems or guess:- 0
player2 total attems or guess:- 0
player1 play total:- 0 times
player2 play total:- 0 times

The odd position is for player 1 and even position is for player 2
No of Guess Per game in order is:-

Rules & Regulations

➢the Easy lable mean the system choose a number between 1-50
➢the medium lable mean the system choose a number between 1-150
➢the hard lable mean the system choose a number between 1-1000
➢ Your work to just guess the number
➢follow the on screen instruction
➢HAVE FUN........!!!

the game default select easy lable for you , you can change the lable(easy/medium/hard) at any time
Note that useing the hint increase the number of guess by +2
make sure that the game sound is default on
for best read the rules.
©2020-2021 By Atanu Dutta Thank you from the creator.....Enjoy.....!